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Friday, September 9, 2011

That time of year again......

Anyone who has kids in school will be able to relate with this particular entry:

School Fundraising Time Again!!!

As a mom of two in elementary, I am VERY familiar with those lovely bundles of catalogues and forms known as fundraising packets.  Times are tough, nobody has extra money to throw away on ugly wrapping paper and knickknacks!!!  My biggest bone of contention is when schools do the same exact fundraisers every year- it gets old and I don't necessarily like the junk you are always trying to push on me!!!
So my girls have brought home their packets today (cringe) and it got me to thinking how can I make this year an easier, and guilt-free fundraising success??  Here's this years plan:

1.  We will only fund raise for one child at a time.
       - My reason for this is simple, less paperwork and less hassle.  Mommy would be the one to forget to pick up two orders at the school and then need to run all over to fix the mistake, no thank you!!

2. We will support the sales in a no-pressure, friendly way.  I think it's high time that people realize that no one person has to buy everything in those catalogues, but that every little bit DOES help.  This is also a lesson I believe my girls should learn as well.

3. My wallet will not fill your order sheet.  Too many times have I felt bad because of lackluster sales sheets and needing to be the best mom ever, that I've basically gone broke by ordering mass quantities of junk to make the kids (and myself) feel better.

4. The prizes are not worth the effort.   Companies are genius at marketing their sales to get kids to guilt trip everyone they encounter into buying something so they can earn themselves a cereal box toy that will break in one day!!!  Skip the drama and hit a dollar store for a toy that should last at least a week to reward them for being a good sport.

5.  Last but not least, do it with a smile!!!  I am genuinely trying to enjoy the experience this year, not only for the kids, but for my sanity as well.  People respond to positivity, so maybe this will also boost sales.

All in all, I know the truth. The schools use the money for good things, supplies, and field trips.  There is purpose in making an effort.  But just once, I wish the effort and lessons were on something less irritating than school fundraising.   Good luck all you little sellers, stay safe, stay sane, and don't lose sight of the bigger picture!!!

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