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Monday, June 27, 2011

My Parenting Perspective

When I became a mom, the most important thing was to keep my children safe, happy, and to provide them a life better than what I had growing up.  As time goes on, I've realized I added another important task to my job as a parent.  To raise a better breed of people for the future.
Now I know that at first, this will all sound pretentious but I hope you'll hear me out.  Through all my experiences in life I've noticed that things are definitely different from when I was young.  People are less considerate of others, less giving, more selfish, and generally heartless.  Read a paper, watch the news, violence and indifference are everywhere you look- and all of this makes me sad.  When I was growing up, there was zero tolerance for not following the rules, you were told constantly to behave and to act a certain way.  But it made me a better person, I cannot deny that at all!!  So I have made a conscious decision to instill the values I was raised with into my girls.  How wonderful would the world be if only a few of our "Family Rules" were followed by everyone?? 

Here's a few examples:
~ We don't judge anyone by the way they look, talk, act, etc.  Every person you meet could someday be a friend.
~ We don't call others names. No matter how upset you are.
~ We are a team, a family, a unit. We do things together and to help everyone out when we can.
~ In addition to all bad words we do not say Stupid, Shut Up, and Hate (those are the biggest ones)
~ Do as much as you possibly can to help others.  Donate things you don't use, your time, anything at all.
~ Use your manners- Grown ups are addressed as "Mr." or "Ms." and their name.
~ You have to work for things you want, money doesn't grow on trees.

The list just goes on and on!  My daughters are now 8, 6, and almost 2- if you ask either of my older girls what a good person is and what they do, I'm sure they'd talk your ear off.  I can take my children anywhere and not really have to worry about their behavior.  I'm very proud of my princesses and the people they are becoming, my hope is that they grow up to be a positive influence to everyone around them. 

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