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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crafty Beginnings

If anyone would have asked me three years ago if I thought I'd ever be making as many crafts as I do, I would have immediately told them "no way!" But now as I look back on how it really got rolling, I can't ignore the fact that this was bound to happen.  I am honestly very passionate about art and creativity as a whole, always have been.  My background in art began in elementary school with advanced art classes ( I gave up my study halls!) and proceeded to a semester of art college.  But life doesn't always pan out the way you want and I ended my schooling to pursue a steady job and pay the bills.

I worked in various retail stores for 11 years, and as time went on I noticed that all the items that were carried in these stores were getting consistently cheesier and made with less quality.  I can't say this really bothered me too much until I had my girls.  Little girls want to be cute, pretty princesses- plain and simple.  My girls are all divas who love fashion and glitter, and mommy wants them to have what they want.  But as I began to buy various items for my girls, the low quality began to bother me more and more.  Not only were the things I bought breaking or falling apart but they were also burning a hole in my wallet!!

Finally my frustration got the best of me and I took the time to really examine some of the things I was constantly buying my girls.  It all started with clippies and bows- the stuff my store was selling was so boring and basic, and it fell apart after one use!!  I checked online for tutorials and DIY info to attempt making my own style of bows that could withstand the wear and tear of my divas.

I'll be the first person to admit, my first creations weren't really the greatest, but I am definitely not a quitter!!  I kept at it and ended up finding a couple different things I really liked.  A friend of mine suggested I start listing my bows for sale on Etsy and it all kind of snowballed from there.  Now I find myself trying new things just to say I tried it, it's really quite exhilarating!!  Now I have an extensive variety of things I create: Bows, simple clippies, headbands, baby headbands, pony-o's, necklaces, bracelets.....  the list goes on. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve (I sew, quilt, paint, draw, etc) and have acquired lots of fun art tools and toys over the last couple of years, my goal is to really encompass all aspects of accessories and to constantly create new and fun items for people at an affordable price because as a Mom, I appreciate value and that's what I want to give other Mommies too.

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