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Friday, June 24, 2011

Some Days I Miss Having A Life

Although most of my blog entries will probably be about crafting, being clever as a stay at home Mom, saving money tips, and general cute kid stuff, today I was feeling a little aloof and figured I'd share and kick off with a really good insight to my mind.
I have been a Mommy for over 8 years now and I still have days like today where I wish I still had a social life.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE being a Mommy!!  The things I have learned from myself and my children through the years has really given me a sense of accomplishment and pride.  Still, there are certain aspects of life that I think any Mommy would agree disappear once you have kids.  I miss friendships, going out for dinner on a whim, hitting a bar to hang out, shopping with no agenda, the list goes on and on.  These feelings only strike occasionally, but they are still there.  I almost feel guilty sometimes because it seems so petty to crave little things like this but I think it is more human nature to want to be social, to have some "adult" time where there is an age requirement to get in.  Now I know that there are some parents out there that make the time to do some of these things- I honestly don't get that luxury.  No one wants to watch 3 kids, it's a lot to handle.  There's also the double whammy of finding the time and the money to do the things you want to do!  Since I am a stay at home Mommy, funds are definitely tight, and my poor hunny works a crazy schedule where I hardly see him at all for 4 days out of the week.  Being a Mom is the most rewarding, stressful, chaotic, intense, amazing, and wonderful journey I have ever embarked upon, I just sometimes wish that I could also get my fix of doing a few grownup things every once in awhile too.

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