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Friday, September 9, 2011

That time of year again......

Anyone who has kids in school will be able to relate with this particular entry:

School Fundraising Time Again!!!

As a mom of two in elementary, I am VERY familiar with those lovely bundles of catalogues and forms known as fundraising packets.  Times are tough, nobody has extra money to throw away on ugly wrapping paper and knickknacks!!!  My biggest bone of contention is when schools do the same exact fundraisers every year- it gets old and I don't necessarily like the junk you are always trying to push on me!!!
So my girls have brought home their packets today (cringe) and it got me to thinking how can I make this year an easier, and guilt-free fundraising success??  Here's this years plan:

1.  We will only fund raise for one child at a time.
       - My reason for this is simple, less paperwork and less hassle.  Mommy would be the one to forget to pick up two orders at the school and then need to run all over to fix the mistake, no thank you!!

2. We will support the sales in a no-pressure, friendly way.  I think it's high time that people realize that no one person has to buy everything in those catalogues, but that every little bit DOES help.  This is also a lesson I believe my girls should learn as well.

3. My wallet will not fill your order sheet.  Too many times have I felt bad because of lackluster sales sheets and needing to be the best mom ever, that I've basically gone broke by ordering mass quantities of junk to make the kids (and myself) feel better.

4. The prizes are not worth the effort.   Companies are genius at marketing their sales to get kids to guilt trip everyone they encounter into buying something so they can earn themselves a cereal box toy that will break in one day!!!  Skip the drama and hit a dollar store for a toy that should last at least a week to reward them for being a good sport.

5.  Last but not least, do it with a smile!!!  I am genuinely trying to enjoy the experience this year, not only for the kids, but for my sanity as well.  People respond to positivity, so maybe this will also boost sales.

All in all, I know the truth. The schools use the money for good things, supplies, and field trips.  There is purpose in making an effort.  But just once, I wish the effort and lessons were on something less irritating than school fundraising.   Good luck all you little sellers, stay safe, stay sane, and don't lose sight of the bigger picture!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Parenting Perspective

When I became a mom, the most important thing was to keep my children safe, happy, and to provide them a life better than what I had growing up.  As time goes on, I've realized I added another important task to my job as a parent.  To raise a better breed of people for the future.
Now I know that at first, this will all sound pretentious but I hope you'll hear me out.  Through all my experiences in life I've noticed that things are definitely different from when I was young.  People are less considerate of others, less giving, more selfish, and generally heartless.  Read a paper, watch the news, violence and indifference are everywhere you look- and all of this makes me sad.  When I was growing up, there was zero tolerance for not following the rules, you were told constantly to behave and to act a certain way.  But it made me a better person, I cannot deny that at all!!  So I have made a conscious decision to instill the values I was raised with into my girls.  How wonderful would the world be if only a few of our "Family Rules" were followed by everyone?? 

Here's a few examples:
~ We don't judge anyone by the way they look, talk, act, etc.  Every person you meet could someday be a friend.
~ We don't call others names. No matter how upset you are.
~ We are a team, a family, a unit. We do things together and to help everyone out when we can.
~ In addition to all bad words we do not say Stupid, Shut Up, and Hate (those are the biggest ones)
~ Do as much as you possibly can to help others.  Donate things you don't use, your time, anything at all.
~ Use your manners- Grown ups are addressed as "Mr." or "Ms." and their name.
~ You have to work for things you want, money doesn't grow on trees.

The list just goes on and on!  My daughters are now 8, 6, and almost 2- if you ask either of my older girls what a good person is and what they do, I'm sure they'd talk your ear off.  I can take my children anywhere and not really have to worry about their behavior.  I'm very proud of my princesses and the people they are becoming, my hope is that they grow up to be a positive influence to everyone around them. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crafty Beginnings

If anyone would have asked me three years ago if I thought I'd ever be making as many crafts as I do, I would have immediately told them "no way!" But now as I look back on how it really got rolling, I can't ignore the fact that this was bound to happen.  I am honestly very passionate about art and creativity as a whole, always have been.  My background in art began in elementary school with advanced art classes ( I gave up my study halls!) and proceeded to a semester of art college.  But life doesn't always pan out the way you want and I ended my schooling to pursue a steady job and pay the bills.

I worked in various retail stores for 11 years, and as time went on I noticed that all the items that were carried in these stores were getting consistently cheesier and made with less quality.  I can't say this really bothered me too much until I had my girls.  Little girls want to be cute, pretty princesses- plain and simple.  My girls are all divas who love fashion and glitter, and mommy wants them to have what they want.  But as I began to buy various items for my girls, the low quality began to bother me more and more.  Not only were the things I bought breaking or falling apart but they were also burning a hole in my wallet!!

Finally my frustration got the best of me and I took the time to really examine some of the things I was constantly buying my girls.  It all started with clippies and bows- the stuff my store was selling was so boring and basic, and it fell apart after one use!!  I checked online for tutorials and DIY info to attempt making my own style of bows that could withstand the wear and tear of my divas.

I'll be the first person to admit, my first creations weren't really the greatest, but I am definitely not a quitter!!  I kept at it and ended up finding a couple different things I really liked.  A friend of mine suggested I start listing my bows for sale on Etsy and it all kind of snowballed from there.  Now I find myself trying new things just to say I tried it, it's really quite exhilarating!!  Now I have an extensive variety of things I create: Bows, simple clippies, headbands, baby headbands, pony-o's, necklaces, bracelets.....  the list goes on. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve (I sew, quilt, paint, draw, etc) and have acquired lots of fun art tools and toys over the last couple of years, my goal is to really encompass all aspects of accessories and to constantly create new and fun items for people at an affordable price because as a Mom, I appreciate value and that's what I want to give other Mommies too.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Some Days I Miss Having A Life

Although most of my blog entries will probably be about crafting, being clever as a stay at home Mom, saving money tips, and general cute kid stuff, today I was feeling a little aloof and figured I'd share and kick off with a really good insight to my mind.
I have been a Mommy for over 8 years now and I still have days like today where I wish I still had a social life.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE being a Mommy!!  The things I have learned from myself and my children through the years has really given me a sense of accomplishment and pride.  Still, there are certain aspects of life that I think any Mommy would agree disappear once you have kids.  I miss friendships, going out for dinner on a whim, hitting a bar to hang out, shopping with no agenda, the list goes on and on.  These feelings only strike occasionally, but they are still there.  I almost feel guilty sometimes because it seems so petty to crave little things like this but I think it is more human nature to want to be social, to have some "adult" time where there is an age requirement to get in.  Now I know that there are some parents out there that make the time to do some of these things- I honestly don't get that luxury.  No one wants to watch 3 kids, it's a lot to handle.  There's also the double whammy of finding the time and the money to do the things you want to do!  Since I am a stay at home Mommy, funds are definitely tight, and my poor hunny works a crazy schedule where I hardly see him at all for 4 days out of the week.  Being a Mom is the most rewarding, stressful, chaotic, intense, amazing, and wonderful journey I have ever embarked upon, I just sometimes wish that I could also get my fix of doing a few grownup things every once in awhile too.